Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Zheng He

Zheng He is a traditional Chinese sailor. That made voyages from 1403-1433. He was born in 1371 and was a Muslim. His original name is Mǎ Sānbǎo. He was captured at age eleven and was made an eunuch, later he became a trusted adviser and was renamed Zheng He. He made a Buddhist Mountain temple in 1410. Zheng He was put as the admiral in control of the huge fleet, and there were expeditions that had armed forces that had been overtaken. During the 1st voyage from 1405-1407 Champa,Java, Palembang, Malacca, Aru, Sumatra, Lambri, Ceylon, Kollam, Cochin, and Calicut. He also wanted to extend tributary systems, by which Chinese dynasties traditionally recognized foreign peoples. He generally sought to attain his goals through diplomacy , and his large army awed most would be enemies into submission. He brought back more than 30 kingdoms when all of his expeditions were done. The traditional view is that he went as far as to Iran. Of the European navigators Zheng He's expedition was half a century earlier. Materials such as fuel and exotic articles were brought back by Zheng He, it was at this time that the so called Kylin and fulu became decorative animals for the Chinese imperial garden. Zheng He led his fleet from 1405 to 1433 to voyage to the Western Sea for seven times. The initial objective of Zheng He was trying to enroll far flung states into a ming tributary system.Zheng He died at age 65 in 1435.(Paraphrased from wikipedia)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My China Blog

China is the largest country in East Asia. China is the most popular country in the world with 1.3 billion people. China is a country located in East Asia, bordered by the Yellow Sea, and the East China Sea, and the South China Sea on the East. China’s neighbors include: Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Bhutan, Burma, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Kirghistan, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, North Korea, and last is South Korea.

China is made up of fertile lowlands, plains, mountains, and subtropical areas. One example of China's geography is the Gobi Desert. The Gobi is the largest desert region in Asia. It covers parts of Northern and Northwester China, and of Southern Mongolia. The Gobi is made up of several distinct ecological and geographic regions. Another example of a desert in china is the
Taklamakan Desert. The Taklamakan Desert is a desert in Central Asia. It has subtropical forests; the terrain in the west is rugged and high altitude. It is bounded by the Kunlun Mountains to the South and Pamir Mountains andTian Shan to the West and North. Taklamakan is known for
one of the sandiest deserts in the world, ranking 15tin size, in ranking of the worlds non-polar deserts.

Mainland China had 1,216,832,482 in 2000 estimated. But it has exceeded 1.3 billion since 2003. The goal is to stabilize the population by 2025 to 1.4 million to 1.6 million. There are 18 million Muslims, 4 million catholics, and 10 million protestants; unofficial estimates are much higher.
The Republic of China has a population of 22.2 million. More than 18 million of the native Taiwanese are descendants of Chinese who migrated from Fuigan in the 17th and 19th centuries.